A clean and safe alternative to hydrochloric acid (HCL)
Concrete Dissolver
Consolv concrete dissolver is a low hazard cleaning solution to remove concrete from metal frameworks, drums/mixers, trucks, moulds, props and RMC equipment. It is designed to preserve the life of your assets, and is less damaging than traditional acids.
Why Switch to CONSOLV?
Now that Hydrochloric acid use has been banned, it is important to invest in a more sustainable concrete cleaning solution, such as Consolv.
Fast-acting, biodegradable and ready-to-use, Consolv is inhibited to prevent attacks on metal, and is therefore much less corrosive than hydrochloric acid. Not only does Consolv preserve the life of what is being cleaned, but it makes usage much safer as there are no fumes.
Readily available in four sizes (5l, 25l, 200l and 1000l) through our established transport network and manufactured here in the UK, you can avoid delays and expensive delivery charges. We also collect and refill empty containers to reduce management and disposal costs.
Consolv concrete dissolver can be used on a range of areas including: RMC equipment, such as metal formwork, wooden mould boxes, concrete skips, props, RMC plant and concrete mixer trucks. It is also compatible with most surfaces, including metal, wood, glass, rubber and paints, while also degreasing storage and demoulding oils.
Consolv 2460
A slightly thickened synergistic mixture of acids that clings to vertical and overhead surfaces so that concrete and cement residues are softened and dissolved so that they can be rinsed away. Can be sprayed on or small items can be immersed and allowed to soak.
- No Fumes
- Less Aggressive than Phosphoric and Hydrochloric Acids – based on organic compounds
- Inhibited to Prevent Corrosion
- Readily Rinsed
- Compatible with most Substrates
- 90% Biodegradable after 28 Days
- Non-volatile, non-flammable and non-toxic
Related products – other solutions for builders and related trades
Case studies – Consolv in action
Environmental issues – our dedicated R&D laboratory
Consolv 2460
A slightly thickened synergistic mixture of acids that clings to vertical and overhead surfaces so that concrete and cement residues are softened and dissolved so that they can be rinsed away. Can be sprayed on or small items can be immersed and allowed to soak.
• No fumes
• Less aggressive than phosphoric and hydrochloric acids
• Inhibited to prevent corrosion
• Quicker than products based on citric acid
• Removes light grease and demoulding oils.
• Readily rinsed
• Compatible with most substrates