Carriage Descale – 246

Dissolves and removes unsightly scale caused by hard water and detergent residue as well as iron stains.



Dissolves and removes unsightly scale caused by hard water and detergent residue as well as iron stains. Particularly effective on glass but is also good for use on painted surfaces. Leaves glass and painted surfaces clean and scale-free.

  • Quickly removes scale
  • Leaves glass sparkling
  • Leaves paint scale-free
  • Easily rinsed
  • Easy-to-use. Simply brush on
  • Independently tested by 4 Rail laboratory
  • Use on rail rolling stock,
  • Ideal for use on buses and coaches


  • Appearance                   Viscous. Hazy liquid
  • Colour                             Straw
  • pH                                    Less than 2.00
  • Odour                             Mild
  • SG                                   1.085 to 1.115


N.B. Do not allow dwell time to exceed 20 minutes.
Use neat. No need to dilute. Apply with good quality long-handled soft brush or low-pressure foam application equipment. Leave to dwell for 10 minutes and agitate with the soft brush. Work from lower sections upwards. Thoroughly rinse using fresh water from a hose or lance. Rinse from upper surfaces downwards.

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